«The EcoFamily» is a master's project whose primary goal was to find a concept for an ecological, educational tool dedicated to families. The project focused on questions about mobile application's useful characteristics: the motivation for using it, emotions and attitudes (UX Design), the interaction between user and the app (UI Design), and its appearance. The application's primary purpose is to increase the next generation's interest in ecologically-sustainable living. Therefore, the leading target group has been defined as school-aged children in the range of 6-12 years old. Nevertheless, the application's design does not exclude the adults as it is dedicated to the whole family. It is essential to underline that this Master's project was composed of experiments, creative ideas, and research to find useful characteristics for the desired application. This project intended to provide a visualisation of the concept rather than to design a final product.
Educational mobile app for families

Ecological animated discoveries, personalised family, habit tracker and messenger, all in one app

Avatar design

Concept development

Master thesis


2020. Master thesis. Visual Communication and Iconic Research. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz